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I am an SNF Professor of Political Science at the University of Lausanne.
I studied at the Universities of Rome “Sapienza” (BA, MSc), Leiden (MA), Oxford and Siena (PhD). After my doctoral studies, I held a Jean Monnet Fellowship at the European University Institute in Fiesole, and an Ambizione Fellowship at the University of Lucerne.
My academic interests center on the interplay between voters, political parties and leaders in democratic elections. My current research project, funded by an Eccellenza Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation (2020-2024), focuses on affective polarization and its electoral consequences, with a particular emphasis on negative voting in comparative and longitudinal perspective.
I currently serve in the steering committees of the Consortium of National Election Studies (CNES), and the ECPR Research Network on Voting Advice Applications (VAAs).
Recent publications
Reiljan, A., Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F. & Trechsel, A. (2023). Patterns of affective polarization in the democratic world: Comparing the polarized feelings towards parties and leaders.
American Political Science Review. doi:10.1017/S0003055423000485.
Nai, A., Aaldering, L., Ferreira da Silva, F., Garzia, D. & Gattermann, K. (2023). The dark side of the mood. Candidate evaluation, voter perceptions, and the driving role of (dark) personality traits. Electoral Studies, 86: 102715.
Garzia, D., Ferreira da Silva, F. & Maye, S. (2023). Affective polarization in comparative and longitudinal perspective. Public Opinion Quarterly 87: 219-231.